Treatments at Seeds of Silence

(Re)discover yourself

Find yourself again

More confidence and energy

At Seeds of Silence, you will find peace, balance, energy and… yourself (again). As a holistic life coach, Cindy has a wide range of treatments and healing sessions to help you find who you truly are and what you truly need. Cindy loves to help you release stress, tension, anxiety, limiting beliefs, trauma, negative feelings and thoughts, and transform this negative energy into more confidence and life energy.

Something for everyone

The right balance between body and mind

Cindy will work with you to find the right balance between body and mind. Cindy supports, inspires and encourages you through movement, holding postures, sounds, breathing techniques and meditation. Everything happens at your pace. Do you completely unwind with gentle, peaceful yoga? Or do you prefer a more challenging form? Are you more into massage? Or is a Reiki treatment entirely your thing? We have the perfect combination of treatments for everyone. Discover our treatments below.

Discover our treatments

Reconnect with yourself


NLP stands for Neurolinguistic Programming. This technique makes you aware of your unconscious processes such as stuck thinking patterns, behaviors that do not produce the desired results or intense emotional reactions. Together with Cindy, you will discover which patterns are helpful in your life and which are not. With insight and exercises, you then transform these patterns into new thoughts, behaviors and emotional responses that better fit who you are and who you want to be.

60 min: € 70
90 min: € 95

Ericksonian Hypnosis

Through Ericksonian hypnosis, you connect with your unconscious mind. You seek your own wisdom and knowledge so that changes in your lifestyle come from within yourself and are not imposed by a hypnotist. You go into trance under Cindy's guidance from a position of deep relaxation, and you decide entirely how deep you want to sink into it. You will always maintain control in the search for answers from your unconscious self.

60 min: € 70
90 min: € 95

Yin Yoga

Typical of Yin Yoga are the quiet, slow movements and yoga poses that are held for a long time (up to 5 minutes). Make no mistake: Yin Yoga can be quite intense. Thanks to this form of yoga, you clear your energy pathways and can achieve a form of meditation. This makes Yin Yoga ideal for people seeking deep relaxation. It strengthens your connective tissue and keeps your joints supple.

60 min: € 65
90 min: € 95

Elemental Yoga

In Elemental Yoga we seek to connect with nature. This style of yoga is therefore inspired by the 4 seasons, each of which features the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. People looking for a more challenging style of yoga are in for a treat with Elemental Yoga. Expect a spirited yoga session where you'll notice results quickly.

60 min: € 65
90 min: € 95


YogaQiflow combines the calmness of yoga with the movements of Qi Gong to strengthen your self-awareness. You become an observer of what is happening in your body, mind and spirit. YogaQiFlow is a mix of energetic movements and moments of calm to bring balance to your body's energy, find acceptance and heal your body from the inside out.

60 min: € 65
90 min: € 95


Massage helps you release accumulated stress by using long, flowing and smooth movements. Massages can be supplemented with soothing sounds, crystals and essential oils. Do you experience tension in specific parts of your body such as back, shoulders, neck or legs? Then a targeted massage can bring relief.

60 min specific zone: € 70
90 min body massage: € 95

Reiki Treatment

Reiki, like acupuncture and acupressure, works on the energy pathways in your body. Only in this case, the energy is transmitted through gentle touches. After all, the palms are the outputs of the glow of Reiki energy. During a treatment, your body absorbs everything it needs to clear blockages. Reiki is very relaxing and helps with self healing.

75 min: € 85
Course level 1: € 190
Course level 2: € 270

NEXi frequency therapy

In frequency therapy, Cindy works with the power of frequencies and vibrations. NEXi technology works with frequency waves that are amplified through a special high-power device. These waves enter your energetic field and help you let go of what you no longer need and move your energy more. NEXi technology is particularly healing for your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

75 min: € 90

Sound therapy with singing bowls

Singing bowls have been used for centuries in monasteries and temples as an aid to meditation or as an alternative treatment for illnesses such as chronic pain. The sounds and vibrations produced by the bowls resonate with your chakras and have a purifying effect. The meditative state allows us to bring focus to the places in our body that need the most attention.

75 min: € 90

Hollistic coaching session

The holistic coaching session is a unique coaching session tailored to your needs. As a holistic life coach, Cindy uses yoga, bodywork, hypnosis, breathwork and her own life school in her treatments. Cindy helps you create space so you can go inward with your attention and explore what you really need.

60 min: € 70
90 min: € 95


We don't think about it and yet breathing is the first and last thing we do on this earth. Our breathing is not only a tool for staying alive, but also for inner peace, healing and the overall health of our body and mind. Through breathwork, Cindy provides a safe environment to center yourself in the reality of the moment. By building a relationship with your breath, you feed your healing energy and awareness.

120 min: € 130

Career Counseling

Are you bored with your job? Do you feel like you are stuck and would like to move in a different direction? As a holistic life coach, Cindy will work with you to find the career that suits you best. Do you live in Flanders? Be sure to take a look at the VDAB website because you may qualify for career vouchers, a reimbursement for your career counseling.

60 min: € 70
90 min: € 95


Acupuncture works on your energy pathways, helping to alleviate blockages within your body. By inserting small needles at strategic points on your body, our acupuncturist Johanna can assist you in pain relief, stress reduction, improved sleep, and more. Johanna specializes in pain management, dermatology, mental and emotional well-being, stress, insomnia, digestive issues, and offers support for fertility problems.

60 min: € 65

90min: € 95

Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang is an abdominal massage method that releases blocked energy and utilizes negative energy to eliminate toxins. The movements and generated warmth detoxify your organs and alleviate intestinal blockages, cramps, and knots. Additionally, Chi Nei Tsang can provide relief for issues such as headaches, menstrual cramps, poor circulation, and back pain.

90 min: € 95

Exercises for a healthier body

Download our e-book!

Do you want to give your body the love and attention it deserves? In this e-book you will find 10 essential yoga exercises that will reduce stress, increase your strength and flexibility, and promote a healthier body.

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